Steffen Balbach

Image by Josef-Stefan Kindler, All rights reserved.
Steffen Balbach
Bass Vocals

Steffen Balbach was born in 1971 and studied church music at the College of Church Music in Esslingen. He was full time cantor of the Christus-Church in Donaueschingen and completed his vocal studies at the Freiburg Conservatory with the highest possible point count. Since then, he has sung the bass and baritone parts of countless oratorios, cantatas and masses. In 2001 he reached the final round of the renowned international vocal competition Belvedere in Vienna. Stefan Balbach works with the choir of Radio Bavaria and the Gewandhaus-Kammerchor, Leipzig. He has been a choir member and soloist of the National Opera in Stuttgart since 2002.
George Fr. Handel · Israel in EgyptGeorge Fr. Handel · Israel in Egypt
George Frideric Handel:

The unedited version from 1739 of the English Oratorio HWV 54,
performed according to the traditions of the time

by Miriam Allan & Sarah Wegener (Soprano),
David Allsopp (Countertenor), Benjamin Hulett (Tenor),
Steffen Balbach & Daniel Raschinsky (Bass),
Hanoverian Court Orchestra (Hannoversche Hofkapelle),
Maulbronn Chamber Choir (Maulbronner Kammerchor)
Conductor: Jürgen Budday

A live recording from the church of the German
UNESCO World Heritage Site Maulbronn Monastery

HD Recording · DDD · Double Album · c. 96 Minutes

2 CD
EUR 33,00SpotifyDeezerNapsterYouTube MusicApple MusicNaxos Music LibraryIdagioTidalAmazon.comiTunesQobuz HDeClassical HDPresto Music HDE-Onkyo HDReview

A "Must Have"

A concert experience full of thrilling intensity ... This great-sounding concert recording is necessarily preferable to a studio production. A "must have" for all Handel lovers...

SWR 2 Culture (German Broadcasting)


A superb live recording of one of the greatest works from the Baroque era

George Frideric Handel's choral oratorio, Israel in Egypt, was the fifth of the nineteen oratorios which he composed in England. It has a libretto compiled from selected passages in the Hebrew Bible, mainly Exodus and the Psalms, and premiered at London’s King’s Theatre in 1739. It was not well received by audiences, though later in the season Handel revived it for three additional performances, with the first third of the work removed and several arias added. Reaction remained muted and it was not until 1756 that Handel mounted another London production, adding elements of other oratorios together to create a new first part. This was still unsuccessful and the composer did not take up the work again. It’s dificult to see now why there was such contemporary coolness towards such a powerful work that in the next century would attain popularity second only to Messiah. Israel in Egypt is a colossal work comprising twenty-eight massive double choruses, linked together by a few bars of recitative, with five arias and three duets interspersed among them. Unlike Handel’s other oratorios, there is no overture or prelude to the work.
The superb live recording on this double CD is part of a cycle of oratorios and masses performed in the basilica of Maulbronn Abbey with the Hanoverian Court Orchestra and Maulbronn Chamber Choir under the direction of Jürgen Budday. The series combines authentically performed works with the optimal acoustics and atmosphere of this unique monastic church—an ideal location demanding the transparency of playing and the interpretive unveiling of the rhetoric intimations of the composition. The music is exclusively performed on reconstructed historical instruments, which are tuned to the pitch customary in the composer’s lifetimes. Soloists include sopranos Miriam Allan and Sarah Wegener, the wonderful countertenor David Allsopp, tenor Benjamin Hulett and basses Steffen Balbach and Daniel Raschinsky.
This is an exciting and beautiful performance of one of the greatest and most passionate works from the Baroque era.

© 2014


***** Excellent Music to Enjoy

It does not matter where you come from. This album will resonate and make you wonder 'why I had not come across an album like this one'. Enjoy...

'JORALE95' on

George Fr. Handel · SaulGeorge Fr. Handel · Saul
George Frideric Handel:
The English Oratorio HWV 53, performed according to the traditions of the time
by Nancy Argenta (Soprano), Laurie Reviol (Soprano),
Michael Chance (Countertenor), Mark Le Brocq (Tenor),
Michael Berner (Tenor), Stephen Varcoe (Bass), Steffen Balbach (Bass),
Hanoverian Court Orchestra (Hannoversche Hofkapelle),
Maulbronn Chamber Choir (Maulbronner Kammerchor)
Conductor: Jürgen Budday
A concert recording from the church of the German
UNESCO World Heritage Site Maulbronn Monastery
HD Recording · DDD · Double Album · c. 150 Minutes
2 CD
EUR 33,00SpotifyDeezerNapsterYouTube MusicApple MusicIdagioTidalAmazon.comiTunesQobuz HDPresto Classical HDeClassical HDHD TracksE-Onkyo HDReview

***** A superb listening treat

I have just finished listening to the oratorio 'SAUL' from Maulbronn conducted by Jurgen Budday. It leaves me breathless with it's high drama and excellent singing. The fact that this is a LIVE performance makes it all the more exciting to hear... This is a superb listening treat!

George Peabody 'Ariel' on
(A voice teacher and early music fan from Carlisle, Pa. USA)


Spendidly performed

Georg Frideric Handel’s glorious oratorio in three movements, Saul, is splendidly performed here in English by Nancy Argenta, Laurie Reviol, Michael Chance, Mark LeBrocq, Michael Berner, Stephen Varcoe and Steffen Balbach, together with the Hannoversche Hofkapelle and Maulbronner Kammerchor, conducted by Juergen Budday. This atmospheric concert recording was made in 2002 in the historical setting of the beautiful convent church of Maulbronn. Other albums in the beautifully produced Maulbronn Edition from K & K include performances of Gounod’s Missa Solemnis (ISBN 3-930643-63-4) and an cappella concert, Goettliche Liturgie, with Don Kosaken singing works from the Russian Missa (ISBN 3-930643-72-3). For more informion, see the K&K website.


***** Five Stars

Enjoyed it greatly

Sally Ann Mcallister on

George Fr. Handel · SolomonGeorge Fr. Handel · Solomon
George Frideric Handel (1685-1759):

The English Oratorio HWV 67,
performed according to the traditions of the time

by Nancy Argenta (Soprano), Laurie Reviol (Soprano),
Michael Chance (Countertenor), Julian Podger (Tenor),
Steffen Balbach (Bass), Hanoverian Court Orchestra
and Maulbronn Chamber Choir
Conductor: Jürgen Budday

A live recording from the church of the German
UNESCO World Heritage Site Maulbronn Monastery

HD Recording · DDD · Double Album · c. 150 Minutes

2 CD
EUR 33,00SpotifyDeezerNapsterYouTube MusicApple MusicNaxos Music LibraryTidalAmazon.comiTunesQobuz HDeClassical HDPresto Music HDHD TracksE-Onkyo HDReview

I assure you that all Oratorios from Maulbronn are first-rate

This CD is the first one that I heard from Maulbronn and I was stunned by the entire performance! It was exciting both vocally and instrumentally; I found it impossible to pause even for sustenance. Jurgen Budday has assembled a great lineup of soloists who projected their respective roles perfectly. For the most part the words of the chorus were understandable and created the proper dramatic tension. Michael Chance as Solomon displayed his usual skill in getting inside the role and the songs. The scene with the 2 harlots who were both claiming the same child was compellingly realistic. So many great songs by Handel on this disc I wouldn't want to have missed it! Since then I have purchased 4 more Oratorios from Maulbronn.
I assure you that they are all first-rate!

George Peabody 'Ariel' on - A voice teacher and early music fan from Carlisle, Pa. USA


***** Excelent Solomon

Although we use Gardiner as a custom reference this reading is superb. Clear spacious sound, excelent soloists and orchestra playing. You be impacted by the double choir singing and Michael Chance sings nicely the title role Solomon. This version is some tracks longer than Gardiner's.
Recommended! (5 Stars out of 5 Stars)

'capezio' on, United Kingdom on 20 July 2019

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