Grand Piano Masters · The Legend Of Dombra
The Legend of Dombra
Amir Tebenikhin plays
works by
Schubert, Prokofjew, Mendygaliev & Schumann
Concert Grand Piano D 280 by C. Bechstein
A concert recording from Bad Homburg Castle
HD Recording · DDD · c. 60 Minutes

mir Tebenikhin was born in 1977 in Kasachstan. He studied with Mikhail Voskressensky at the Tschaikovsky Konservatorium in Moscow and with Karl-Heinz Kämmerling in Hanover. During his young career Mr. Tebenikhin has already won many international awards, like the 1st prize at the "Vianna da Motta" Competition (Portugal) and awards at the Reine Elisabeth Competition in Brussels, the International Piano Competition Glasgow, at the 1st International Piano Competition in Panama City and the 1st Internationalen Carl Bechstein Piano Competition-Ruhr. Beside concert performances as a guest at famous festivals all over Europe, he played for example in the Carnegie Hall (NY), the Wigmore Hall (London) and Salle Pleyel in Paris. As a soloist he toured worldwide with the Orchestre National de Belgique, the Moscow Virtuosos, the BBC Scottish Symphonie Orchestra, the Sendai Symphonie Orchestra (Japan), the Kazakh State Symphonie Orchestra, the Shanghai Symphonie Orchestra etc.
ublishing Authentic Classical Concerts entails for us capturing and recording outstanding performances and concerts for posterity. The performers, audience, opus and room enter into an intimate dialogue that in its form and expression, its atmosphere, is unique and unrepeatable. It is our aim, the philosophy of our house, to enable the listener to acutely experience every facet of this symbiosis, the intensity of the performance, so we record the concerts in direct 2-Track Stereo digital HD. The results are unparalleled interpretations of musical and literary works, simply - audiophile snapshots of permanent value. Flourishing culture, enthralling the audience and last but not least also you the listener, are the values we endeavor to document in our editions and series.
Music that is new, pieces worth listening to and well worth conserving, little treasures from the traditional and the avantgarde - music that is unimaginable anywhere else but in the hotbed of Europe - we capture these in our Castle Concerts Series of recordings in their original settings in cooperation with Volker Northoff.
The concert grand piano is incontestably the king of instruments. We could now wax lyrical about its incomparable dynamics and go into its ability to go from the tenderest of sounds in a soft minor key to the magnificent power of a fortissimo, or I could rhapsodise about its impressive size and elegance. But what makes this instrument really fascinating is its individuality, since each one is unique in itself - created by a master. A concert grand has a life all of its own that a virtuoso can really "get into" and hence bring the work of the composer to life. In our Grand Piano Masters Series, we get into the character and soul of the concert grand piano and experience, during the performance itself, the dialogue between the instrument, the virtuoso and the performance space.
Andreas Otto Grimminger & Josef-Stefan Kindler, K&K Verlagsanstalt
A sincere thumbs up to this most gifted of pianists...
This fascinating concert recorded live in the mystic Castle of Bad Homburg is a truly mystical tour-de-force showcasing the magnificent talents of this young pianist who will surely become a household name in the very near future. Tebenikhan is unfazed by the monumental difficult of Schubert's A Major sonata and he sails through it with the professionalism and aplomb of a seasoned master such as Jorge Bolet or Alfred Brendel. Even more wizardry is to be displayed in Prokofiev's Fourth Piano Sonata with the Toccata also receiving a lightning-quick interpretation. Tebenikhin leaves the best for last in the shape of Schumann's monumental Piano Sonata #3 and even in this work he comes off superbly with flying colours. Truly a disc to relish and a sincere thumbs up to this most gifted of pianists.
A sincere thumbs up to this most gifted of pianists...
25. February 2016 - 17:04 — kuk-art.comTebenikhan is unfazed by the monumental difficult of Schubert's A Major sonata and he sails through it with the professionalism and aplomb of a seasoned master such as Jorge Bolet or Alfred Brendel. Even more wizardry is to be displayed in Prokofiev's Fourth Piano Sonata with the Toccata also receiving a lightning-quick interpretation.
Tebenikhin leaves the best for last in the shape of Schumann's monumental Piano Sonata #3 and even in this work he comes off superbly with flying colours.
Truly a disc to relish and a sincere thumbs up to this most gifted of pianists.
Gerald Fenech on Classical Net