From God ~ To God · Promises & Prayers
From God ~ To God
Promises & Prayers
"Von Gott ~ Zu Gott · Verheißungen & Gebete"
Works from the 16th century till today for four- till eight-part choir,
performed by the Maulbronn Chamber Choir
Conductor: Jürgen Budday
Giovanni Gabrieli: Jubilate Deo ~ Gottfried A. Homilius: Drei Motetten
Charles Wood: Hail, Gladdening Light ~ Ludvig Norman: Bön (Gebet) & Erdenhast muss weichen
Lucas de Pearsall: Agnus Dei ~ Johannes Brahms: Fest- & Gedenksprüche, Op. 109
Baskisches Volkslied: Gabriel's Message ~ Morten Lauridsen: Ave Maria
Ola Gjeilo: Unicornis captivatur ~ Ko Matsushita: O lux beata trinitas
James Whitbourn: He carried me away in the Spirit ~ Knut Nystedt: Herr, neige deine Ohren
A studiomaster-recording directly to 2-Track-Stereo-HD
from the Castle Church Bad Homburg (Germany), February 6-9, 2016
HD Recording · DDD · Duration: c. 70 Minutes

he Maulbronn Chamber Choir (German: Maulbronner Kammerchor) was founded in 1983 and counts today as one of the renowned chamber choirs in Europe. Awards like the first places at the Baden-Württemberg Choir Competitions in 1989 and 1997, the second place at the German Choir Competition in 1990, the first prize at the German Choir Competition in 1998, the second place at the International Chamber Choir Competition in Marktoberdorf 2009 and the first place at the Malta Choir Competition show the extraordinary musical calibre of this ensemble. The Chamber Choir has managed to make quite a name for itself on the international scene, too. It was received enthusiastically by audiences and reviewers alike during its debut tour through the USA in 1983, with concerts in New York, Indianapolis and elsewhere. Its concert tours in many European countries, in Israel and Argentina as well as in South Africa and Namibia have also met with a similar response. Since 1997 the choir performs oratorios by George Frideric Handel each year. All these performances were documented on disc; because of that the Maulbronn Chamber Choir holds a leading position as a interpreter of this genre internationally.
Caroline Albert, Katrin Andraschko, Teresa Frick, Susanne Fuierer, Ute Gerteis, Hannah Glocker, Barbara Heieck, Ilka Hüftle, Monika Martin, Veronika Miehlich, Cordula Modrack, Birgit Petkau, Karin Unold-Fischer, Irene Vorreiter, Annette Weippert, Charlotte Zech
Beata Fechau, Roswitha Fydrich-Steiner, Jana Gölz, Kathrin Gölz, Heilswint Hausmann, Corinna Klose, Anne-Katrin Mücke, Renate Secker, Angelika Stössel, Stefanie Trompler, Anja von Vacano, Bettina van der Ham, Almut Wien
Johannes Budday, Sebastian Fuierer, Andreas Gerteis, Johannes Heieck, Hartmut Meier, Thomas Meyer, Felix Schultz, Jonathan Wahl
Jo Dohse, Bernhard Fräulin, Hans Gölz-Eisinger, Matthias Heieck, Hansjörg Lechler, Eberhard Maier, Peter Nagel, Frieder Weckermann, Daniel Weissert
Music Director, Condcutor:
Jürgen Budday
rof. Jürgen Budday (born 1948) is a German conductor and director of church music. His musical focus lies in historical and contemporary vocal music and in historically informed performances of oratorios, masses and other sacred works. He studied music education, church music and musicology at the Academy of Music in Stuttgart from 1967 to 1974. From 1979 to 2012, he taught at the Evangelical Seminar in Maulbronn, a Protestant boarding school at the UNESCO World Heritage Site Maulbronn abbey with famous former students like Johannes Kepler, Friedrich Hölderlin and Hermann Hesse, and led, from 1979 till 2013, the concert series at Maulbronn monastery as artistic director. In 1992, Jürgen Budday was named Director of Studies, in 1995 came the appointment as Director of Church Music and in 1998 he was honored with the Bundesverdienstkreuz (German Cross of Merit) as well as the Bruno-Frey-Prize from the State Academy in Ochsenhausen for his work in music education. In 1983 Budday founded the Maulbronn Chamber Choir (Maulbronner Kammerchor), which he conducted until June 2016 and with whom he has won numerous national and international awards. At the Prague International Choir Festival, for example, he received an award as best director. Since 2002, Budday has also held the chair of the Choral Committee of the German Music Council and became director and jury chairman of the German Choir Competition (Deutscher Chorwettbewerb). In 2008, he received the silver Johannes-Brenz-Medal, the highest honoring of the Evangelical-Lutheran Church in Wuerttemberg, following by the awarding with the honorary title Professor in 2011. In May 2013 Prof. Jürgen Budday was awarded by the Association of German Concert Choirs with the George-Frideric-Handel-Ring, one of the highest honors for choir conductors in Germany. Thus Jürgen Budday followed Helmuth Rilling, who was honored with the ring from 2009 till 2013.
Jürgen Budday has started a cycle of Handel oratorios that is planned to span several years, which involves working with soloists like wie Emma Kirkby, Miriam Allan, Michael Chance, Nancy Argenta, Mark Le Brocq, Charles Humphries, Stephen Varcoe (to name but a few). The live recordings of these performances, produced and released by Josef-Stefan Kindler and Andreas Otto Grimminger via their label K&K Verlagsanstalt, received highest praises from reviewers and gave Jürgen Budday's musical work international recognition.
"No conductor and no choir have so consistently recorded so many Handel oratorios as Jürgen Budday and his Maulbronn Chamber Choir."
Dr. Karl Georg Berg, Handel Memoranda Halle 2008
Music that is new, pieces worth listening to and well worth conserving, little treasures from the traditional and the avantgarde - music that is unimaginable anywhere else but in the hotbed of Europe - we capture these in our Castle Concerts Series of recordings in their original settings in cooperation with Volker Northoff.
Andreas Otto Grimminger & Josef-Stefan Kindler, K&K Verlagsanstalt
Giovanni Gabrieli (1557-1612)
Motette für achtstimmigen gemischten Chor
1. Jubilate Deo (4:44)
Gottfried August Homilius (1714-1785)
Drei Motetten für sechsstimmigen Chor (7:53)
2. Die Elenden sollen essen, HoWV V.10(2:27)
3. Christus kömmt her aus den Vätern (2:42)
4. Wir wissen, dass wir aus dem Tode in das Leben kommen sind (2:45)
Charles Wood (1866-1926)
Motette für zwei vierstimmige Chöre
5. Hail, Gladdening Light (2:29)
Ludvig Norman (1831-1885)
Motette für achtstimmigen gemischten Chor
6. Bön (Gebet) aus '7 Lieder', Op. 15 (2:02)
Motette für zwei vierstimmige Chöre
7. Erdenhast muss weichen (Jordens oro viker), Op. 50 (5:12)
Lucas de Pearsall (1795-1856)
für achtstimmigen Chor, Textfassung: Florian Maierl
8. Agnus Dei (Orig.: 'Lay a Garland') (3:34)
Johannes Brahms (1833-1897)
Fest- und Gedenksprüche, Op. 109 (9:56)
für zwei vierstimmige Chöre
9. Unsere Väter hofften auf dich (2:16)
10. Wenn ein starker Gewappneter (2:56)
11. Wo ist ein so herrlich Volk (4:45)
Baskisches Volkslied / S. Baring Gould (1834-1924)
für achtstimmigen Chor und Sopran-Solo
Arr.: Jim Clements, Solistin: Caroline Albert
12. Gabriel's Message (3:45)
Morten Lauridsen (geb. 1949)
für sechs- bis zehnstimmigen Chor, 1997 komponiert
13. Ave Maria (7:27)
Ola Gjeilo (geb. 1978)
Motette für achtstimmigen gemischten Chor, 2001 komponiert
14. Unicornis captivatur (7:16)
Ko Matsushita (geb. 1962)
Motette für sechsstimmigen gemischten Chor, 2006 komponiert
15. O lux beata trinitas (3:07)
James Whitbourn (geb. 1963)
Motette für achtstimmigen Chor, 2009 komponiert
16. He carried me away in the Spirit (5:43)
Knut Nystedt (geb. 1915)
Motette für vier- bis achtstimmigen Chor
17. Herr, neige deine Ohren und erhöre mich (Ps. 86, 1-12) (7:03)
Recorded in the Castle Church in Bad Homburg, Germany
Recording Date: February 6th-9th, 2016
Sound Engineer: Andreas Otto Grimminger
Mastering & Production: Andreas Otto Grimminger & Josef-Stefan Kindler
Photography, Artwork & Coverdesign: Josef-Stefan Kindler
Very touched. Thank YOU!
Absolutely beautiful!
Very touched. Thank YOU!
10. December 2020 - 15:25 — kuk-art.comabout the Art Movie with "Ave Maria" by Morten Lauridsen
Absolutely beautiful!
10. December 2020 - 15:15 — kuk-art.comabout the Art Movie with "Ave Maria" by Morten Lauridsen