Stefan Vinke

Stefan Vinke

Stefan Vinke stammt aus Osnabrück und studierte Gesang bei Ks. Edda Moser in Köln und bei Eugene Kohn. Der ausgebildete Kirchenmusiker erhielt sein erstes Engagement am Badischen Staatstheater Karlsruhe 1993. Hier sang er zwei Spielzeiten und wechselte im Anschluss an das Theater Krefeld-Mönchengladbach. Jun Märkl hat Stefan Vinke mit der Spielzeit 1999/2000 als 1. Jugendlichen Heldentenor an das Nationaltheater Mannheim engagiert. Im neuen Ring singt Stefan Vinke den Siegmund, gefolgt von Lohengrin, Parsifal, Florestan und Tristan.
Max Bruch · MosesMax Bruch · Moses
Max Bruch (1838-1920):

Op. 67

Oratorium in vier Teilen und deutscher Sprache
mit Peter Lika, Birgitte Christensen,
Stefan Vinke, der Kantorei Maulbronn
und der Russischen Kammerphilharmonie St. Petersburg
Künstlerische Leitung: Jürgen Budday

Ein Konzertmitschnitt aus der Kirche des
UNESCO-Weltkulturerbes Kloster Maulbronn

HD-Aufnahme · DDD · Doppel-Album · ca. 120 Minuten

2 CD
EUR 33,00SpotifyDeezerNapsterYouTube MusicApple MusicTidalPrimephonicAmazon.deiTunesPresto Classical HDeClassical HDQobuz HDHD TracksReview

An excellent project and a grandiose Performance

K&K is not a label that comes readily to mind, but after listening to this version of Bruch's Oratorio, it is certainly one that should be given more scrutiny. German based, it is totally devoted to publishing outstanding concerts of mostly sacred works recorded live in the natural ambience of Maulbronn Monastery.
The aim of all this is to make the listener experience the intensity, not only of the music but of the occasion as well. Bruch's 'Moses', premiered in January 1895, is a truly eloquent and uplifting piece very much in the 'Elijah' tradition although I found the choral writing a hint Mendelssohnian. Apparently, Brahms did not think very highly of it but Bruch revealed that it was the fruit of inner strength that enabled him to complete this work.
I enjoyed the work immensely notwithstanding Brahms' advice and found much to savour in the memorable tunes that permeate the solo numbers with Moses' death particularly moving. Both soloists and choir rise magnificently to the occasion, delivering performances that are grandiose yet saturated with a humanity that was so evident in Israel's rapport with God. The Russian Chamber Philharmonic play full bloodedly and with conviction under Jurgen Budday, who while keeping a tight reign on proceedings, allows the performance to flow with a natural ease.
An excellent project that deserves every plaudit for its unique Enterprise.

Gerald Fenech on Classical Net

Max Bruch · MosesMax Bruch · Moses
Max Bruch (1838-1920):

Oratorium Op. 67 in Vier Teilen mit Peter Lika (Bass),
Birgitte Christensen (Sopran), Stefan Vinke (Tenor),
der Kantorei Maulbronn und der Russischen Kammerphilharmonie St. Petersburg
Künstlerische Leitung: Jürgen Budday

Ein Konzertmitschnitt aus der Kirche des UNESCO-Weltkulturerbes Kloster Maulbronn

HD-Aufnahme · DDD · Spielzeit: 120 Min. 55 Sek.
Digitales Album · 15 Tracks


MP3 Album

320 kBit/sec.

EUR 19,80SpotifyDeezerNapsterYouTube MusicApple MusicNaxos Music MusicTidalAmazon.deiTuneseClassical HDPresto Music HDQobuz HDHD TracksE-Onkyo HDReview

An excellent project and a grandiose Performance

K&K is not a label that comes readily to mind, but after listening to this version of Bruch's Oratorio, it is certainly one that should be given more scrutiny. German based, it is totally devoted to publishing outstanding concerts of mostly sacred works recorded live in the natural ambience of Maulbronn Monastery.
The aim of all this is to make the listener experience the intensity, not only of the music but of the occasion as well. Bruch's 'Moses', premiered in January 1895, is a truly eloquent and uplifting piece very much in the 'Elijah' tradition although I found the choral writing a hint Mendelssohnian. Apparently, Brahms did not think very highly of it but Bruch revealed that it was the fruit of inner strength that enabled him to complete this work.
I enjoyed the work immensely notwithstanding Brahms' advice and found much to savour in the memorable tunes that permeate the solo numbers with Moses' death particularly moving. Both soloists and choir rise magnificently to the occasion, delivering performances that are grandiose yet saturated with a humanity that was so evident in Israel's rapport with God. The Russian Chamber Philharmonic play full bloodedly and with conviction under Jurgen Budday, who while keeping a tight reign on proceedings, allows the performance to flow with a natural ease.
An excellent project that deserves every plaudit for its unique Enterprise.

Gerald Fenech on Classical Net


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